More Epitaphs. See more ideas about Epitaph, Headstones, Tombstone. Furthermore, twenty-first-century epitaphs are much simpler than those of the past.

In a way, the epitaphs on gravestones are your last words to the world—and they're literally written in stone. Many epitaphs contain a religious theme emphasizing comfort and future reunions in heaven. In Elizabethan times, epitaphs became much more common in English.
Strictly speaking, it refers to text that is inscribed on a tombstone or plaque, but it may also be used in a figurative sense.
Epitaph, an inscription in verse or prose upon a tomb; and, by extension, anything written as if to be inscribed on a tomb.
Want to discover art related to epitaphs? In most large cemeteries, you will probably find an epitaph that goes something like this one found in Waynesville, North Carolina Choose Your Words - An epitaph is written on a tombstone. Furthermore, twenty-first-century epitaphs are much simpler than those of the past.