Consolations Of Religion By A Reincarnationist. The first argument regards reincarnation as a more reasonable expression of divine mercy and love than the disproportionate and unfair infliction of eternal punishment by God upon a. According to Australian Aboriginal religious beliefs, a deceased ancestor, after a sojourn of an unspecified length of time in the land of the dead, returns to the world of the living by entering the body of a mother at the moment of conception.

Nevertheless, there are two strong arguments advanced by reincarnationists against the teaching of one earthly life. Studying New Religions: Different From/The Same as the Study of Religions? conversion to new religions, the types of structures that new converts typically find. themselves part of, the attitudes to society manifested by a range of new religions, and. To collect the information about the role of religion by survey.
Learn more about reincarnation here. 'Consolation', or an attempt to assuage grief, is an age-old response to loss which has various expressions in different cultural contexts.
That the soul has gender is a curious feature of Jordan's metaphysics, and is a concept not found in reincarnationist religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism from which Jordan drew many of his ideas.
Religion, or more appropriately religions, are cultural phenomena comprised of social institutions, traditions of practice, literatures, sacred texts and stories, and In contrast, other people find their religious perspectives are deepened and enriched by an evolutionary understanding of human origins. For instance, Greek Platonism The spiritual progress one accumulates toward realizing the atman-Brahman identity is recorded by karma, or rather by a minimal amount of karmic debt. The ancient religions of the Mediterranean world developed quite different kinds of reincarnationist beliefs.