The Vehicular. The road was closed to vehicular traffic. His idea is to put bollards down to stop vehicular access and place seats and planters for the use of the community.• The word vehiculo is the present form of vehicular in the first person singular.

The term "vehicular manslaughter" refers to the crime of killing another person, either intentionally or negligently, as the result of one's driving. Before the gloaming, solve this word of the day quiz! vehicular meaning, definition, what is vehicular: relating to vehicles: Learn more. Vehicular pollution is caused by the carbon emissions of automobile motors burning oil and gas.
Non vehicular means anything where a vehicle is not involved eg domestic violence, shootings etc.
In cases of criminal negligence, the defendant is commonly charged with unintentional vehicular manslaughter.
I hope everyone enjoyed the video, also shout out to Ryan for making an incredible game. Most people chose this as the best definition of vehicular: Of, relating to, or inten. Translations in context of "VEHICULAR" in spanish-english.